“You are responsible forever for what you have tamed” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Well… It’s been some week. Meet Mr. O. Possum – “Opie”. He’s been in a fight with… something… likely another cat? A handsome boy, we weren’t sure Opie was going to survive. But he’s proving us wrong. Our joy is tempered with the knowledge he is FIV positive and cannot be released into our pride of felines without endangering them. An incredible family has stepped up to foster him. Opie may well be a Haven foster for the rest of his life as FIV cats are incredibly difficult to place. This is why every cent that comes into Haven through Facebook fundraisers, Venmo, Cash App or our website is so vital. We’re committed to this boy for his lifetime now. Thank you for every penny, prayer and share!! Let’s get Opie healed and happy!